Friday, 15:33 Date 29/07/2022

At Tech-Vina, every batch of products before delivering to customers must go through a series of hazard control steps.

There are many controlling factors to make sure you are providing a high-quality product to your customers, one of which is the packaging. 200ml of cassia oil in a bottle that does not meet food safety standards can cause a million-dollar contract to be canceled immediately. Especially, when the global commodity economy is increasingly demanding more and more stringent food safety standards.

Packaging plays an extremely important role, it not only helps to preserve and prevent products from environmental influences but also helps the marketing brand. At Tech-Vina, we use the following types of packaging: HDPE 200l drums, HDPE  30l cans, and fiber drums and which are imported. The storage tanks for products, semi-finished products, and raw materials are made of 304 stainless steel. For sample products, we use the high-grade aluminum box. All of the above packagings have food safety certifications such as FSSC2200, ISO 22000, HACCP, etc...

Tech-Vina Packaging

In particular, in the local region, essential oil distillers usually use any type of bottles, cans, or tanks available or bought on the market of unknown quality and origin. This greatly affects to the quality of the essential oil, for example: the quality of the packaging is not good with many dusts, that is not washed or when combined with the essential oil causes a metamorphic reaction, or the packaging is not sealed, and insects entering the product. To overcome these limitations, Tech-Vina provides quality standard bottles, cans, drums and tanks to distillery owners so that they can store essential oils during the production process to help ensure the quality of essential oils. For all quality-approved product batches, Tech-Vina's quality control staff will stamp the broken seal and identifier code.

Tech-Vina provide 30l cans to distillation farmer

During the working process, for each new supplier, Tech-Vina train detailed instructions on the process of quality inspection, packaging, and product preservation. This is a mandatory requirement for all Tech-Vina suppliers to comply with when cooperating.

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